The Franchise Report Radio Show Presents a Spelling Bee.

The Franchise Report Radio Show (June 17)

This episode of ‘The Franchise Report’ Radio Show features a spelling bee contest. The contestants were:

1. Big Wal, a 41-year-old representing Hope High School

2. Javi, a 17-year-old 

3. Jermaine, a 15-year-old from Achievement First High School

The spelling bee had multiple rounds where contestants had to spell various food-related words. Some of the words included:

– Bologna

– Barbecue

– Prosciutto

– Sriracha

– Fettuccine

– Cappuccino

– Zucchini

– Worcestershire sauce

– Ceviche etc.

The contest was close, with some playful banter and teasing between the contestants and hosts. In the end, Jermaine, the 15-year-old, won the spelling bee, correctly spelling “casserole” in the final round. 

Throughout the episode, there were jokes about Big Wal’s age and his representation of Hope High School, as well as some commentary on the difficulty of certain words. The hosts also engaged in some side conversations and jokes between spelling rounds.