Redman’s debut album, Whut?, The amusing story of a working-class superhero on Thee Album, which was released in 1992, was punctuated by “A Day of Sooperman Lover,” which was inspired by his mentors EPMD’s “Jane” series and Slick Rick’s “Children’s Story.”
A silky sample of “Superman Lover” by multi-instrumentalist and soul singer Johnny Guitar Watson from his 1976 album Ain’t That A Bitch served as the foundation for the libidinous tale of a local hero struggling to keep his job saving cats and the like.
“He wasn’t really a hero with powers,” Redman explained in a 2018 interview to commemorate Whut’s 25th Anniversary. “He had some. He could fly and stuff but all his powers were ghetto. I wanted him to be a superhero that stepped in his pants one leg at a time like everybody else.
“I was a fan of Johnny Guitar Watson and I think me and Erick Sermon came across the record or I had it. Maybe it was my pops record because I took a couple of his records when I moved. I just thought doing a new Superman Lover would be a great idea. Big up to the Watson family for supporting me since day one. They never gave me static or problems and I plan on using him more on my new album. His music is very funky and he’s very talented and that record in particular caught my eye.”
Over the course of future albums, Redman would go on to record five more parts of the “Sooperman Lover” tale.