Nicole discusses women in male-dominated fields, directing, photographing, Sound Lab & More.

In this segment of the Critical Breakdown on ‘Inside The Maze’ podcast, Mz Mophila is joined by Nicole who is introduced as a media producer and creative professional who works behind the scenes on various platforms in the city, including Museum TV and Sound Lab.

Nicole’s background is discussed, including her start in art and sketching, which led to photography, video production, and eventually broader media work. She created a show called “Mass Supports Mass”, a roundtable series bringing together creatives in the same genre to foster connections.

Nicole discusses her role at Sound Lab, where she started by helping with production and now manages the space. They talk about the challenges of being a woman in a male-dominated industry, though Nicole notes her team at Sound Lab is supportive. The importance of lighting in video production is discussed, with Nicole sharing some technical insights.

Nicole mentions upcoming projects, including more episodes of her roundtable series and a new deal where she offers her videography services. The interview concludes with Nicole sharing her contact information and details about events at Sound Lab, including open mic nights and a producer showcase.