Inayah Talks New Album ‘Wait There’s More’, Her Journey Back to Creativity & More.

Street Walks: Inayah: Love, Still Having A Day Job, PostPartum Depression, Music, Using A Diary

Saige Jones conducted a street interview with Inayah, a talented musician and songwriter hailing from Houston, Texas. In the interview, Inayah delves into her life and music career, revealing that her music draws heavily from her personal experiences, with the hope of resonating and helping others. She highlights the significance of vulnerability and emotional expression in her work.

Inayah openly discusses her battle with postpartum depression following the birth of her youngest child, which impacted her creativity and self-confidence for nearly two years. Her forthcoming album, “Wait There’s More,” symbolizes her journey of reclaiming her creativity and time after overcoming postpartum depression.

Throughout the interview, Inayah underscores the values of authenticity, vulnerability, and patience in both her music and personal life. Growing up in a tight-knit family in Houston as the youngest of three sisters, she began writing songs at the age of 10 and has kept a diary ever since, using it as a wellspring of inspiration for her music.

Inayah continues to write jingles, a practice she believes sharpens her creative edge. She candidly discusses the challenges of balancing motherhood with her music career and the pressures exerted by social media. Additionally, she offers advice on the importance of reading contracts carefully and maintaining a healthy balance between business and personal relationships in the music industry.