Drake Announces New Album

Drake Announces New Album

We haven’t had a proper Drake album in a while. Sure, there was Honestly, Nevermind from the previous year (but, that was… honestly? You’d have to go back to 2021’s Certified Lover Boy for the last time Drake published a full-length collection of melodies and raps, but never mind) and Her Loss (a collaboration with 21 Savage).

The following stage of the voyage is quickly approaching. But first, Drake is entering the literary world with the publication of Titles Ruin Everything: A Stream of Consciousness by Kenza Samir and Aubrey Graham, his debut poetry collection.

In addition to the publication of the book, Drake made an album-related announcement.

“I created an album to accompany the book… Don’t tempt me, they say; they miss the old Drake girl, says a message on titlesruineverything.com. “For every dog.”

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