Club Ambition Predicts Kendrick Lamar’s Concert Will Reignite Feud with Drake.

"Its About To Be CRAZY" Predictions For Kendrick Lamar's Concert In LA Tonight

SOUND and the crew discuss plans to live stream their reaction to the upcoming Kendrick Lamar concert on Amazon Prime and Twitch, speculating on the potential for live streaming issues due to copyright in this episode of the Club Ambition podcast. 

They anticipate the event will be highly strategic, possibly including a response to Drake. They predict the concert will start on time, involve choreographed elements, and feature carefully planned guest appearances.

They explored the ongoing tension between Drake and Kendrick Lamar, particularly the possibility of Kendrick making a statement about Drake’s rumored hidden children, which could impact Drake’s corporate relationships. The hosts debated whether Drake would retaliate if Kendrick performs songs dissing him, with some predicting Drake’s pettiness will ensure a response.

Additionally, they consider the possibility of high-profile guest appearances at the concert, including Rihanna, Schoolboy Q, and others. The conversation covers the potential impact on friendships within the industry if artists associated with Drake appear at Kendrick’s concert. Overall, the hosts are eager for the event, predicting significant moments and reactions within the rap community.