The discussion in this Club Ambition clip revolves around a potential diss from Kendrick Lamar to Lil Wayne. Kendrick’s new album features a line referencing Lil Wayne’s Carter III album, where Kendrick expresses feeling that his success has somehow let Wayne down, especially after Kendrick was chosen over Wayne for the Super Bowl halftime performance.
The context is that Lil Wayne, a New Orleans native, was rumored to perform but did not, causing him to express frustration, even suggesting he felt emotionally affected by the situation. Despite this, Kendrick has always acknowledged Wayne as a major influence on his career.
The crew’s debate centers on whether Kendrick’s comments were a subtle diss to Wayne. Noel argues that Kendrick’s line acknowledges Wayne’s influence, but SOUND feels it could be seen as disrespectful, especially given the tense circumstances. The conversation also touches on Lil Wayne’s reaction, where he vented his feelings publicly, claiming that his kindness was being taken advantage of and threatening destruction if provoked. Noel believes that Wayne has the right to feel slighted but criticize his public outburst, suggesting he should have handled it privately. They agreed that Wayne’s response is inappropriate for his legendary status, and he should have approached Kendrick directly instead of taking to social media.