During Mental Health Awareness Month, Big Sean has encouraged his followers on social media.
Sean Don posted a message of inspiration and hope on Twitter on Thursday, May 18, for anyone who might be in need of it in these tough times.
“To everyone overwhelmed or stressed out since you’re all busy… Just keep in mind that stress occurs more frequently when things are NOT happening than when they are, according to Big Sean. Back to work, then. however, take care of you as well [stars] [palms emoji].”
Many of Big Sean’s followers responded positively to his encouraging message; some even went so far as to describe how his tweet aided them when they were in the midst of a mental health crisis.
The way I’ve been fighting with that specifically, and your comments came to me at the perfect time, thank you, one user tweeted. I pray for you, Sean [emoji of hands in prayer][emoji of a blue heart] Love to you and your loved ones, and take care of yourself.
“I was on the verge of a panic attack all day, and this is exactly what I needed to hear,” another person commented. I’ve always found myself relating to you and your ideas.
Big Sean has never been afraid to talk openly about the highs and lows of his struggle with mental health. The Grammy Award-winning rapper opened up about his mental health in 2021 and claimed he’d often thought about killing himself, sometimes with a gun in his hand.
“I definitely thought about committing suicide a lot, with guns in my hands, feeling it for real… ” Planning it to the point where I thought, “Hey, at least my family will get this amount of money if I do kill myself.” I already done this,” he claimed in a conversation with Dr. Michael Eric Dyson. “Because I was unhappy and stressed out. I came to the conclusion that I had better stop what I was doing and find this out right away or I was going to destroy myself.
I took the time off, put a stop to all I was doing, went to counseling, grew closer to God, became more spiritually rooted, and for the first time ever, prioritized myself.