Because Rap Music Is “Dangerous” To Children, Bobby Shmurda Avoids Listening To It.

Because Rap Music Is "Dangerous" To Children, Bobby Shmurda Avoids Listening To It.

Bobby Shmurda’s rapid ascent to stardom in 2014 came to an abrupt end after he was detained and charged with weapons possession and conspiracy to commit murder. Now that he appears to have turned his life around, he is warning children to stay away from rap music because it is “dangerous.”

The Brooklyn MC, who served nearly seven years in prison, got candid about his decision to absolve himself of rap during his recent appearance on The Danza Project podcast. At one point in the debate, Bobby Shmurda even claimed that his rationale was tied to the newer generation of rappers guiding children astray.

“These kids are following you guys, and you’re rapping about these fucking lifestyles…and it’s really hazardous to the communities [because] these tiny kids [truly] think that [it’s] going on, and you did not even live [any] [of] [it],” the rapper said.

And now, as a result, Shmurda confesses that he no longer appreciates rap and only catches new music when clubbing. Rap music, in his view, should encourage positivity rather than cast a negative influence.

Rap is meant to be telling muthafuckas to turn negative into positive, to go from poverty to riches, he added.and how to maintain that as well as how to alter. The shit I want to hear is that. I would like to hear about living life.

Rather than listening to rap music, Shmurda prefers reggae these days. He even claimed to be so ignorant of current events that another rapper could have made fun of him in a song and he wouldn’t have even noticed.

“I don’t know nothing about any rappers,” he continued. “When I’m in the club, that’s the only place I listen to rap,”

Bobby Shmurda has already spoken about his choice to leave rap music and pursue other interests. Bobby shared his journey toward self-improvement on Instagram in March after engaging in a number of illicit activities.

Shmurda is prepared to pursue a fruitful and prosperous future, and he’s determined to make the most of his time, was the clear message he sent.

The rapper is pictured in the post sitting in a meeting with other people. He captioned the photo, “Me explaining how I shot 13 people, sold drugs since 12, served 6 years in prison, and so much more.” “I’ve been able to change my life around and become the successful entrepreneur I am today!”

He said, “I’m going to be telling one of the best stories in #History this year #ThankGod yo daddy’s daddy ain’t even come like this #Shmurda.”

The rapper gained notoriety after releasing his breakthrough song “Hot N—a” in 2014, earning him recognition as one of the original members of Brooklyn Drill Music. He was headed for celebrity before being convicted on one count of third-degree conspiracy and one count of possessing weapons, which put an end to his ascent.

After pleading guilty to conspiracy to possess weapons and possession of a weapon for his membership in the GS9 gang, the rapper accepted a plea agreement in September 2016. Prior to the sentence being handed down, he was given two years’ credit for the initial seven-year term.

Shmurda accrued 11 infractions while he was incarcerated, including having a prison shiv, having drugs, and fighting. He was ultimately let out of jail in February 2021.

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