Anonymous Listener’s Fitness Demands on Pregnant Wife Spark Debate on Support and Realism.

A listener, who prefers to remain anonymous, wrote in expressing frustration about his pregnant wife not maintaining his desired lifestyle of fitness and healthy eating. He feels embarrassed by her lack of motivation to work out and claims she uses pregnancy as an excuse to eat poorly. In this episode of the ‘Joe Budden TV’, the crew discussed how the listener should approach his wife’s health and his unrealistic expectations. They emphasized understanding and support for the pregnant wife, suggesting he address fitness concerns after she has given birth and recovered from postpartum. 

In the second part, a fan named Malachi from Decatur, Georgia, praises Joe for his humor and success. He asks Joe about his potential interest in stand-up comedy and how he might fare in that field. Joe acknowledges the compliment, indicates he’s thought about stand-up, and feels he could be successful, but notes it would require significant dedication and practice.