Behind the Scenes: Elliot Wilson’s Uninvited Visit to Kendrick Lamar’s Video Shoot.

In a clip from his interview on BagFuel, Elliot Wilson discusses conflicts among rappers, mentioning Drake, Kendrick Lamar, and others. He recounts showing up uninvited to a Kendrick Lamar video shoot in Compton, where he interacted with people on set, including Dave Free and Kendrick Lamar. Wilson recalls Lamar pulling him aside and calling him a ‘rat,’ just like Drake, noting that Lamar didn’t seem friendly when he said it.

The conversation highlights the challenges and potential dangers of navigating certain spaces in the hip-hop industry, especially as an outsider. They discuss how the industry has evolved, contrasting the current era, where journalists are easily recognizable, with an earlier time when they were more anonymous.

Wilson reflects on his past experiences writing record reviews and the potential repercussions of negative reviews in the pre-internet era.